"One Hour DIVINITY Take Away Lessons"
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"Ecclesiology INTRO"
Dear One and All.
Before we end this beautiful month of July 2020, here's our Special 1hDTAL
[One Hour Divinity Take Away Lessons] MISS NOT A LESSON now!
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Video and the Readings you can do For Your TAKE Aways.
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BY Gary Luigi Sellado
Time Viewed: 9:40 AM Date: July 31, 2020
Session 1 The doctrine of the Church by Thamo Naidoo
My Take Aways
•Ecclesiology means study of the Church
• Jesus uses the word "Church" not congregation or synagogue
• Church come from a greek word "ekklesia" the greek undesrtand it as Called out, Selected people and brought together.
• As a Church we need to focus on Who called us and What is our function.
•The Church existence should transform the environment.
•Jesus is the one building His Church, we are just intruments that He use.
• If you are called out, you need to get out of your country like Abraham or to get out of your comfort zone.
• If we are called out like Abraham we are blessed with the blessing of Abraham.
My Resolutions
•If we as a Church know who we are in Christ and what is our function we will never believe that we are non-essential because it is God who called us out and it is Jesus who built us.
Ang Dating Daan Cult Organization
My take Aways
•Before I critizice the teachings of Eliseo Soriano I must say that a good thing about him is he memorized the chapters and verses of the bible to answer the question of his viewers. That makes him convincing or I must say a good deceiver 😊
• He may have a good memory to know the chapters and verses in the Bible but that does not mean his hermaneutice is right. He always use the Bible out of its context.
• Exmaple he believed that there many gods or polytheism but only One almighty because the bible say's "you are gods" (Psalm 82:6)
• Example he believed that God has a butt because the Bible say's God is seated on the throne so He must have a butt 😏 Using the Bible Out of Context
• Example he belived that Jesus is not almighty because Jesus said that "the Father is greater than I" so he belived that Jesus is not equal with his father. Well that is using the bible out its context there are many verses that proved that Jesus is almighty God equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
• Example he does not believe that the Holy Spirt is God we cannot found the word "God the Holy Spirit" in the Bible.
• Exmple he believed that the church he founded is the true church because the Name of his chruch can be found in the Bible (2 Cor. 1:1). Well there are many "Church of God" in America and other countries.
•Example he believed that Salvation is through church memberhip because he believed that Jesus died for the church of God.
• To witness to his members we must know our beliefs well, talk to them personally and speak the truth with love.
My Resolution:
We need to teach our church how to defend our faith and we must study the Scripture and its context to avoid being deceived by false teachers.
by Christian Mangubat
Date : July 31,2020
Time: 9:00am
Take aways from Thamo Naido:Doctrine of the Church
1. We have to go back to the ancient path(Olam) of how the church should function.
2. Ekklesia (Church) Shift to higher platform more than Kalal (congregation) and Synagouge.
3. Ekklesia - to taken out and brought into something, calling selected men with governmental responsibility to manage the affairs of the kingdom/state/govt.
4. There is no such thing as an church idle position. The very existence of the church should affect society and environment.
5.The church as a legislator (order) and not a morgue (disorganized).
6. It's God that designs the Church.
7.EK in view of Abraham - Get out of your country,family(worldview)Fathers house(immediate family).
8. The church is the new human race.The representation of God to the world .
9. We need People who understand how God designs the church.
10. Jesus had not come to promote race but heavenly way. You are called out to love.
Takeaways on Cult Organization
Ang Dating Daan
1. Method of Evangelism - Radio waves/Television and internet facilities.
Attacking non essencial doctrines in his locale by debate. Being a skilled heckler to annoy and harass his opponent.
Take away: A Christian apologist needs to wary with every statements he utters. To maximize the use of technology to spread the gospel.
2. Manner of bible teaching - Self style Bible Teacher who knew Greek and Hebrew words from the scripture. Mainly fond of building his doctrine out of ang Biblia (ASV) rather than consulting the original languages.
Take away: Be knowledgeable of biblical Hermeneutics : Studying original Hebrew and Greek languages of Scripture including its geographical , historical , cultural, religious background.
3. Authority - ADD believe the bible as the only source of authority but this is half true. Eliseo Soriano is the sent one or sugo the reason why he alone does the bible explaining. In other words no member can explain the bible out of his own personal study .
Take aways: The bible is the only source of authority. Gods people can read and study His word ( Bible ) and not only limited to the minister.
4. Unbiblical Beliefs -
•Rejects the doctrine of Trinity
•He believes the Father who is the Living God was the overall Savior who must be given credit for all the things He has done by sending saviors during the times past.
•Believes Jesus is a Mighty God but not the Almighty God. -(1) He was sent primarily to be the savior of the house of Israel (2)On his Second Coming, he will save the believers (members of Soriano’s group).
•Jesus the Son of the Living God also needs a savior who is his Father.
•The meaning of the “house of God” in Psalms 127:1 during the Old Testament is “Church of God” (Iglesia ng Dios) and the name of that church is: Iglesia ng Dios kay Kristo Hesus, Haligi at Saligan ng Katotohanan -Believes not everybody can preach the Bible but must therefore be a “sent one” who is none other than the founder himself.
Takeaways: Christian pastors and leaders who are concerned about the spiritual welfare of the Filipinos must also be vigilant about this group so that they could address the spiritual hunger of a growing population because if not false teachers like Soriano will and as a result they will again be one of those “unpaid bills of the church” as one Christian author states.
5. Things to remember when witnessing to a ADD member.
✓Do not witness with an ADD member unless you yourself are grounded in the orthodox faith of the Scripture. Read , Study and know the scriptures.
✓Have someone intercede for you while you discuss with them or you can pray and listen at the same time while they are talking so the Holy Spirit would move on your behalf.
✓Focus on a subject and learn some of there beliefs. Avoid using your group name instead use it as if its a personal approach.
Resolution :
I'll be diligent in studying God's word in doctrine, in prayer and defending the faith. That we may develop people in sound doctrine and in the truth so that they may grow in faith ,hope and love that they will be the living Church and spread the love of Christ Jesus to the lost and fallen world.