Wednesday, September 16, 2020

MEET the STUDENTS 2020 Semester SEP-DEC

Based on Divinity Enrollments August 29, 2020

Student #1
Name: Vicente Serdenia 

Number: 09476398539 
Age: 39 
Address: Villa Angeles Subd., Brgy. Estefania, Bacolod City
Before I joined Divinity School, I already doing preaching and bible teaching based on my own study and previous learnings and understanding. When I joined Divinity School, I was corrected on my way of preaching, my way of studying the Word of God. As I continue doing the Ministry of preaching and was given an opportunity to preach by Pastor Baughart Sison, I saw myself improving to a point that I even amazed on what and how I preached. Indeed, you really need someone to Train and Coached you on the area of Leadership and Preaching the Word of God and this is what can I say that Divinity School is for me. Another thing is that, in Divinity School you will be refined not only in knowledge but in character as well. It is also a screening way to check if you are really called to be in Full-Time Ministry. I need to grow in all aspects and Divinity School is an avenue where indeed you will receive for your growth and at the same time, it motivates you to apply in practical ways on what you have learned.

Student #2
Name: Cezar Bucayani 

Number: 09491210995 
Age: 25 
Address: ICM Subd. Bacolod City.
Because learning never stops. A lot of things i realized, a lot of things I will be realizing. An avenue for me to be equip, to be mentor, and to be ready for the upcoming. This is my journey. Towards my destination, I’m bringing things from divinity school. Hopefully, I’m getting there. It will be an honor to be part of a school surrounded by awesome pastors and leaders that will help you grow and grow together.

Student #3
Name: Joland Jose M. Abraham

Number: 09231975130 
Age: 29
Address: Eroreco Subd. Bacolod City
In the pursuit of truth, one must always employ means to meet its demands. 
The required demands will always be inconvenient but there is nothing more burdensome than a premature product or produce. That is why I would commit to Divinity School once admitted. Handling people to pastor is on a very different scale and requires much attention. It is a so-called handling and stewarding of life. In moving towards the much desired goal, I must need to undergo the rigors of testing’s and reinforcement of knowledge to not only save myself but also my hearers also in the sense that I am dividing rightfully the Word of God.

Student #4
Name: Kervin Winjean Go Gaw

Number: 09674389417 
Age: 27
Address: Bangga Subay, Barangay Mandalagan Bacolod City
Why Divinity because the main goal of handling ministry, preaching the word and discipling generation is to undergo trainings and knowing our doctrine well, because thru this school we can be better and to be at tip-top shape to present as one of Christ’s Ambassadors to the world. I am already in divinity for a year, I can say that it really helped me in doing and applying the vision and mission of our church, and it can be a great advantage to others as well. especially in the area of preaching, When I looked back at my preaching’s it was disorganize, not in the context but when I enrolled it really helped to do and delivering it well. Divinity will be a great tool for pastors and leaders who wants to serve and who wants to make an impact for Jesus

Student #5
Name: Christian Mangubat M

Number: 09396030755
Age: 29
Address: Blk 16 Lot 3 Providence Negros Bacolod City
For the last 4 years in divinity school, it had been catalytic for my personal growth as a man of God, an avenue for me to fail, learn and unlearn. It’s not just a school of thought but a school of character. It’s a school of unending surprises and fun. Divinity School is a life changing school not because it’s a requirement for the pulpit though its true but it is a must for a man of God to continue to learn. It had opened my eyes to the need of knowledge and practical application specially in the area of discipleship and handling the word of God. A humbling experience for me to keep for a life time.

Student #6
NAME: Baughart E. Sison

NUMBER: 09235808318AGE: 45
ADDRESS: 4A, Medinah St., Brgy. Bata, Bacolod City
Divinity School offers the opportunity to focus on the Christian faith in detail, through the study of the Bible, the history of the Church, its key thinkers and its influence on ethical debates and the actions of its believers. Religious Studies offers breadth and depth, in its study of the religions of the world from a variety of perspectives, including the interpretation of religious texts, the sociology and psychology of religion and the impact of religious movements ancient and modern. In addition to the value of the subjects themselves, the exploration of religions and religious ideas will give you the skills to analyze writing, concepts and arguments in a wide range of contexts. The disciplines demand rigid thinking and the ability to interpret data concisely. You will learn to debate with others about key concepts and to evaluate their relevance and validity. Respect for the beliefs of others and the skill to enter into dialogue with those who hold opposing views are developed in the academic environment of the School of Divinity. The skills honed by the study of Theology and Religious Studies are needed more than ever in our complex world.

Student #7
Name: Edremel Maribo 

Number: 09164410868
Age: 42
Address: Alijis Bacolod City
Why Divinity for me. It helped me to study scripture, history, literature, anthropology, languages, philosophy or ethics, most of all is the Leadership skills. Not only I can study these disciplines in our HLM Divinity School modules, but often you can find ways of coming at questions that incorporate other Topics/ subjects (Leadership) or disciplines, in order to form an original and interesting response. It is a Big help for me, in my first year i learned a lot how to handle well in the ministry that have been entrusted to me by the Lord, it doubled my confidence how to reach the unreached people, to minister my family, friends even to minister people in the streets, it enhanced me how to be a community builder, thanks for the Leadership training of His Life Ministries Divinity School, I am now have the joy and the skills building communities such as sports community ministry, House Churches Community in Dulao, Lag asan and Sum ag and even we started an extended service HLM South Barefoot Church, even today of the fast changing world we are now creating cluster churches and have the vision to make every home a church, thanks for HLM vision to Glorify God and Make Disciples, now we have to pass it on. I am encouraging our fellow leaders to Engage, Equip, and Empowered by Our HLM Divinity School. Highly recommended. Enroll today and lead tomorrow! 
There is always a difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus"

Student #8
Name: Daniel Keith J. Bagayo

Number: 09951711939
Age: 26 
Address: Unit 407 Blg 4 Mivesa Residences. Lahug, Cebu
As teachers of the Word, we are forever learners of the Word. Divinity offers us not only a fountain of learning but of a singular pastoral purpose at His Life: to learn to Love God deeper and to learn to love people better. Our affiliation to Divinity is not merely an enrollment to a school but it is being a part of a cause —a league of people called to carry a certain standard and proclaim the goodness of the gospel with the authority that is Divine in nature and focused on the God-given call that the Lord has for us.

Student #9
Name: Carol Jacobo

Number:  09077462520 
Age:50 yrs. Old
Address: Brgy. Cubay, La Carlota City
Divinity is for me because, it's develop my leadership skills. It helps me and strengthen my knowledge on how to deliver the word of God in preaching. Divinity is my training ground to learn, to study and to equip myself in serving the Lord in my entire life. Divinity school will help me to grow in another level of my leadership. It will guide and help me to teach and preach the word of God correctly and it will widen my maturity and growth to serve the Lord to Glorify God and make disciples. 
Divinity is my training school as a leader of His Life La Carlota.

Student #10
Name: Clooney B. Cubing 

Number: 09476495614
Age: 45 
Address: Aguilar Subd., Brgy Pob.1, Sagay City
In enrolling myself to the Divinity School is my way of humbling myself that I need to learn more things. Not to boast I’m the only female of the Wednesday group and I have been blessed with my classmates. Going back to the Divinity class, it helps me a lot to discover new things about the Lord, about myself, about the bible and in fact. I really need it. It takes a lot of sacrifices, time and effort for me, to attended the class because I have to traveled 160kms per week to join the group. 
Why in Divinity because I Love to discover and gain more knowledge about the Biblical aspects of my spiritual journey, in where I can able to impart all of them to the Ministry I’m handling now. I praise God for the Pause every week, to recharge, to learn and to impart and apply.

Student #11
Name: Gregorio Ramon P. Magracia, Jr.

Number: 09162875337
Age: 25 
Address: Block 8 Lot 7 Carmenville Subdivision, Mansilingan, Bacolod City
One of the things that Pastor JR would emphasize is that it is important to have more inputs than outputs. Here at His Life, people are driven towards doing all that they can do in glorifying God and making disciples. There's nothing wrong with it, but just like any engine, we need to have a constant infilling and refilling about the things of God and wisdom in running whatever ministry God is leading us to do. I thank the Lord for HLM Divinity School because I was given the opportunity to be properly educated with regards to doctrine and leadership matters that I need as an intern pastor. I thank God that our church has this avenue for aspiring pastors and leaders to learn more. I am looking forward for the lessons in the future and I am praying also for more to be enrolled here. 
May God prosper HLM Divinity School!

Student #12
Name: Anthony John J Ibanez 

Number 09233334977
Age 33 
Address Lot 14 Block 5 Eufemia Compound, Barangay Taculing
The core value of His Life Ministries Divinity School is Leadership Enhancement and Development. 
It is when one is properly equipped in the area of theology and ministry skills that a leader may be enhanced and develop. The growth of a certain leader is one great factor to consider in the growth and multiplication of a certain Local Church. Through the years, His Life Ministries Divinity School had been committed in providing training that challenges one’s mind and character as well. It is in this institution that you are trained to think critically and that you will be grounded theology. It is in this institution that your character is greatly shaped for the first place, character matters in the ministry. It is in this institution that you are being prepared for future endeavors that will certainly give God the glory. It is only about you; it is more about the people God has given under your care. 
This is why His Life Ministries Divinity School came into existence.

CAMARADA TEAM September to December 2020

Comrades Camarada Groups of 3 or more

Camarada NUMBER 1
Kervin Winjean Go Gaw
Greg Magracia
Gary Luigi Sellado
Edremel Maribo

Camarada NUMBER 2
Anthony John Ibanez
Christian Mangubat
Rolyn Gumban
Ceazar Bucayani

Camarada NUMBER 3
Baughart EspaΓ±ola Sison
Vincent Serdenia
Joland Abraham
Clooney Cubing 
Mai Flores
Hanee Estolonio

Camarada NUMBER 4
Daniel Bagayo
Il Jireh

Camarada NUMBER 5
Larita Clavel
Kristoffer Zone Clavel
Kristian Clavel
Carol Jacobo

Camarada NUMBER 6
Jose Roberto Togle
Kim Anthony Sinogbuhan
Christian Laper
Reymark Alon

Camarada NUMBER 7
IL Jireh*
Dave Apostol
Wilma Idiosolo
Venice Apurado
Michelle Bearneza


updated (as of September 27, 2020)

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Plagiarize-Proof Your Writing Assignments | Faculty Focus

as submitted


Name: Baughart Sison
Time & Date: 9/13/2020

From Exegesis to Theology by Dr. Michael Brown

▪︎Exegesis is the interpretation of scriptures (reading out ofcthe bible what God put in the bible)
▪︎Eisegesis is to read the bible with our own interpretation
▪︎Read the bible as honestly as we can. To pray that God will help us to receive what is written
▪︎Read prayerfully
▪︎Hermeneutics is a system of interpretation.
▪︎Theoplogy is the study of God
▪︎Many people know better the theology better than they know the bible
▪︎Do not re-interprete the scriptures, it is very dangerous
▪︎Let the scripture challenge your theology
▪︎Is my theology based on scriptures or based on church tradition?
▪︎Read the bible without pre-concieve idea
▪︎Before we go to theology we need to have solid exegesis
▪︎Translate the text first before interpreting
▪︎Compare bible translation
▪︎Read in context, what make sense in the context
▪︎Read the bible with common sense
▪︎Always have a "Worms eye view and Nirds eye view" simultaneously
▪︎God's word will change your life, God's word is divinely inspired
▪︎Purpose of the bible is to help us to be watchmen of peoples soul
▪︎The bible is not given to us to be a systematic theology text book.

WHAT 2 PRAYER ITEMS will you PRAY with your
1. Pray for wisdom and understanding sa we read the bible
2. Pray that we will live what we read in the bible

1. God reveals Himself to His creation
2. How an infinite GOD fit to a finite heart

Video 2
Inside the mind of a master procastinator 
by Tim Urban

▪︎Brain of procastinator is different from the mind of non procastinator
▪︎Procastinator likes easy and fun
-no memory from the past
-live entirely of the present
-no knowledge of the future
▪︎Procastinator need a PANIC MONSTER 
▪︎2kinds of procastination
- live in deadline
- live in no deadline (with long time frustration and regret)
▪︎Everyone is procastinating on something in life

2 Prayer items will you pray with your lifegroup
1. Pray that we see that time is precious
2. Pray that we need to advance God's kingdom because time is running out

1. Life is short, reach one for Jesus
2. Don't waste your calling

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Daniel Keith Bagayo

Time and Date 9/11/2020 2:04PM


Oil: He consecrates, anoints presses in and opens up atmosphere for the presence of God to flow. 
Oil represents impartation. When oil touches you it brings joy and gladness.

Dew: God’s presence manifest freshly upon His people. Fresh and special blessing from above.

Rain: The seasonal visitations of God. A nourishing touch to grow things for harvest. Specific times/seasons.

Water: poured upon those who are “thirsty”.

Fire: The spirit of God Purifies and sanctifies His people. It can sanctify you if you allow it and destroy things in your life that does not glorify Him

Dove: The gentleness of the Holy Spirit.

Yoke: The anointing and partnership of the Holy Spirit

River: The flowing of the Spirit that brings life and brings change. Flow with the Holy Ghost

Wind: Power. Change. Energy. Can also bring great destruction.

Gift: Given to everyone who believes. A seal and Earnest

Seal: The mark that we are of the LORD

Earnest: Downpayment of things to come.

Glory: Something heavy presence with everything good.

Wine: The one Who takes control. Divine Control over our lives and bring Joy.

Light: The Holy Spirit allows us to produce light as we preach the gospel and give light to others.

Thank the LORD for the gift of His Holy Spirit that enables us to live powerfully in this life.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to manifest in many ways in our lives that would give life to our families, friends, lifegroup and church.

YOKED - Living life in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
DIVE - Jump into the river and flow with the Spirit of God.

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Rolyn Gumban
The symbol of the Holy Spirit Video

A. My Take aways: 

Holy Spirit 640 Million Charismatic around the world, practice the gift of the Holy Spirit 
and Speak in tounges. They knew little about it.

15 symbols

1. Oil-  Psalm 92:10 
Most well known symbol.. God's hand is upon it. 
It is consecrated. Set apart to be used by God alone. Impartation that will completely transform in David's life. Oil of gladness. Free from oppression and depression.

2. Dew- Psalm 133:2
- Fresh presence of God
-Find miracles to be experienced 

3. Rain- Spirit come like rain to nourish us.
-Visitation of God.
-Specific Moments and Specific Harvest

4. Water- Isaiah 44:3
-Those who are thirsty/ dry ground 
-Everything depend on water.
-Positive: It gives life and Negative gives destruction.

5. Fire- Baptize you with fire. 
-Representative of purification.
-Malachi 3:3
-Purifying Fire
-To set our heart ablaze.
-Positive and Negative: For Destruction.

6. Dove- Matthew 3:16
-Like a Dove 
-Gentleness of the Holy Spirit
-Rest on us 

7. Yoke - Matthew 11:29
-Anointed, Find rest in your soul
-He partner Himself to us.

8. River- John 7:37 
-To bring life and to bring change
-Free course and Free Channel

9. Wind- John 3:8
-Like a wind
-Rushing and Mighty wind - Acts 2:2
-You can't see wind but see the effect of the wind
-Begins to move in your life
-You can sense it.
-Dual effect. Negative or Positive.

10. Gift- Acts 2:38
-Gift of the Holy Spirit 
-Freely given and received

11. Seal - Ephesians 1:13
-Gaurantee the package to reach it's destination.
-He sealed us with the Holy Spirit.
-Found complete and acceptable.

12. Earnest- Down payment of the things to come.
-Engagement ring that the wedding that gonna take place. 

13. Glory -2 Corinthians 3:18
-The glory filled the temple- Presence of God
-Something that is heavy. 
-Suddenly appear and touch the congregation.
-Glory of God can be feel. Heavy that is everything good.

14. Wine- Ephesians 5:17
-Be filled with the Spirit. 
-Filled with wine. 
-The Holy Spirit take control in our lives.
-Fullness of His Spirit.
-Bring Joy. 
-Receieve and Pour new wine.

15. Light- Revelation 1:12
-Golden candle stick
-Oil lamps
-Crushing Process

B. Prayer items for LG PEOPLE:
1. Pray that we will receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
2. Pray that we will have a true knowledge of the Holy Spirit. 

C. Theme:
1. The Symbol of the Holy Spirit and it's meaning.
2. The works of the Holy Spirit.

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Kristian Clavel 

15 Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible Sermon Take Aways
Today some believe that the Holy Spirit still moves and is present within and among us and some believe that the Holy Spirit’s work is already done. The Holy Spirit is very much alive today as it was during the times of the Apostles. 
What is the Holy Spirit to me depends on my response to Him. It is either I cooperate with His moving or resist it.  It is either I submit to His very presence or oppose Him. As the Holy Spirit symbolizes rain, water, fire, river, and wind, He brings both life & power or judgment & destruction. 

2 Prayer Items with LG people
Covering & protection of the Holy Spirit against from any kind of sicknesses. For families, relatives, front-liners, and government. 
Healing power & full recovery for all of those who have been victims of COVID19.

2 Sermon Themes
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered.
Shine Bright: Jesus, the Church, and the Holy Spirit.

Student Essay: The Importance of Writing - National Day of Writing Contest
Mai Flores
Time & Date: 09/11/2020 11AM



1. OIL
- anointing; consecration; separation; impartation; freedom; joy; healing

- Psalm 92:10 (anointing)
    > to put oil on your hands then turn your hands downward and begin to apply the oil into someone else
    > is not only about oil but also seeing that the hand of God came on that service and God press His presence into that service.
    > When God's presence is there, it suddenly changes and totally transformed.

- Exodus 30 (consecration)
    > God said to Moses that he has to anoint the Tabernacle with oil.
    > After that, the Tabernacle became consecrated.
- (separation)
    > When the Holy Spirit came into us at New Birth, the presence of the Holy Spirit like holy oil consecrated us. It sets us apart so that we are to be used for God and by God and never to be used for worldly purposes ever again.
    > We no longer belong to the world when the Holy Spirit has consecrated us. We are separated to be used only by God.

- 1 Samuel 6:13 (impartation)
    > oil was applied to David
    > There were such impartations into David's life that David was completely transformed.

- Isaiah 10:27 (freedom)
    > The Holy Spirit brings freedom from oppression & depression.

- Hebrews 1:9 (gladness; joy)
    > Jesus was anointed with the oil of gladness.
    > When the Holy Spirit comes, He brings joy and gladness.

- James 5:14-15 (healing)
    > Oil is a representative of Holy Spirits's healing power.

2. DEW
- fresh presence of God

- Psalm 133:2-3
    > Just like a dew, the Holy Spirit condenses and touches everyone in the place where people worship God.
    > When the Spirit manifest like dew, then there the LORD bestows His special blessing where we usually find miracles, visitations of angels, experiencing the power of God in the measure they've never experienced before.
    > We need to pray for the Holy Spirit to come like dew to all of our congregations.

- seasonal visitations of God

- Joel 2:23,28,29
    > Rain represents the seasonal visitations of God.
    > Rain comes in certain seasons (early rain; latter rain)
    > We need the Holy Spirit to come like rain to nourish us so that He can produce a harvest.
    > But then there is a time of rest from rain and then it will once again fall depending on the season. (seasonal visitations of the Spirit of God)
    > People who do not understand that the Holy Spirit comes with seasonal visitations have a false idea that they think there should always be a rain of the Spirit. But the Bible does not teach that. The rain of the Spirit comes at a specific moment in order to produce a specific harvest. And then there is rest from rain until it's time for the next visitation of the Holy Spirit.

- life vs. destruction

- Isaiah 44:3
    > In Israel, water was very scarce and so water is very appreciated by the people.
    > They understand that if they did not have water, they did not have life because everything depends upon water.
    > Symbolically, if we do not have the water of the Spirit operating in our lives, then we do not have life. We are completely and totally dependent upon the water of the Holy Spirit.
    > But we tend to forget that sometimes, water can bring life, but it can also bring destruction.
    > The water of the Spirit brings oxygen. It brings life. But if the believer is resistent to the Spirit of God and deliberately stands against the Spirit of God, we need to undertand that water also brings judgment. (e.g. the flood during Noah's time)
    > What the Holy Spirit is to you depends on your response to the Holy Spirit. If you cooperate with the Holy Spirit, He has life to you. But if you resist Him, the water of the Spirit can bring judgment into your life.
- represents the purifying of God (purification)
- purify vs. destroy

- Luke 3:16
- Malachi 3:2-3
    > The Holy Spirit comes to set our heart ablaze.

- 1 Corinthians 3:13
    > But if you stand against the dealings of God in your life, the same fire which has the ability to purify you also has the power to bring destruction.

- represents the gentleness of the Holy Spirit

-Matthew 3:16
    > The Holy Spirit descending like a dove.
    > It is a symbolic language that tells us about the gentleness of the Holy Spirit. He is soft and tender. He rest and abides on us. He brings us the peace of God like a dove.

- partnership of the Holy Spirit

- Matthew 11:29-30
    > Holy Spirit as a yoke describes the assistance and the partnership of Him with us so that we are no longer pulling the full load by ourselves but now it is us and the Holy Spirit together.

- brings life and change

- John 7:37-39
    > The Holy Spirit as a river pictures Him flowing through the hearts of His people to bring life and change.
    > Just like a river, the Holy Spirit grabs hold of everything that is old, outdated that is in His way and removes it out of the way.
    > But the same river which can bring life and change has the ability to remove any resistant force.
    > Rather than resisting the river, we need to jump in the river and flow with the Holy Ghost.

- power; energy

- John 3:8
- Acts 2:2
    > You can't see wind but you can see the effects of it.
    > You cannot physically see theHoly Spirit but you can feel the effects of the Holy Spirit when He begins to move in your life.
    > The Holy Spirit as a wind brings power and energy. But it also has great destructive power when we resist Him.

10. GIFT
- freely given and freely received for everyone who believes, repents and baptized

- Acts 2:38
- 2 Corinthians 1:22
    > 2 symbols: seal & earnest

11. SEAL
- without defect: flawless

Ephesians 1:13
    > We are being sealed by the Holy Spirit.
    > It means God has already inspected us and in Christ all of the contents are in shape. God already found us flawless in Jesus Christ. There is no defect and no flaws. God has found us to be so acceptable that he has poured His own seal on us and He has impressed His own insignia in us which is the Holy Spirit himself and the fact that we have the Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we're gonna make it to our ultimate destination.
    > When we are being sealed by the Holy Spirit, there must be a great boost in our self image because God has found us to be completely acceptable in Christ.
    > God is the Sealer. He is the Sender. And He's gonna make sure that we will make it all the way to our destination which is Heaven itself.

- in greek word means a downpayment of things to come

> The Holy Spirit is the engagement ring that guarantees the wedding is really gonna take place.
> He is a downpayment of things to come.

- describes something that is heavy

2 Corinthians 3:18
    > The Holy Spirit is like a glory

- in the Old Testament, when the Temple was filled with the glory of the LORD, the Priest could not stand by reason of the glory.
- The Holy Spirit like a glory is something that you can feel when suddenly a heavy presence comes into a congregation. He rest upon people especially during time of intense worship.

14. WINE
- to take control

Ephesians 5:17-19
    > When people are filled with the Holy Spirit, it is like someone who is filled with wine.
    > When people are filled with wine, they come under the control of something else.
    > The Holy Spirit as a wine, He comes to bring a divine control in our life.
    > In Scripture the Holy Spirit is also a representative of joy. And when He comes to bring control like wine, He comes to bring us joy.

- as a golden candle
- to give light to those in darkness

-Revelation 1:12
    > The church is referred to as a golden candle stick.
    > In the 1st century, they have oil lamps, very fragile and is very expensive made of crashed olives.
    > Jesus sees the church as a golden candles-- very precious.
    > The church contains the oil of the Holy Spirit-- fuel and the fire.
    > Jesus will use us to give light to people who are in darkness.

1. Pray that we will experience the Holy Spirit like never before.
2. Pray that we will not just experience Him but also have knowledge of Him through these 15 symbols.

1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
2. The Holy Spirit comes to manifest.

Importance of Assignment in Students Life
Christian Mangubat

Time: 6:00 AM

Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible — Rick Renner


1.  (Oil) Anointed - God’s hand was on to something. Consecrate for God, by God not to serve the world. It brings Impartation, joy and gladness.

2.  (Dew) Fresh presence of God – Manifestation on everyone corporately touch to bestowed special blessing.

3.  (Rain) Seasonal Visitations of God – To nourish to provide harvest.

4.  (Water) Dependence on God –Cooperation is life, resistance brings judgement.

5.  (Fire) Purification –To purify us but if we stand against God’s dealing it has the power to destroy.

6.  (Dove) Gentleness – he abides and brings the peace of God.

7.  (Yoke) Assistance and Partnership- Becomes partners to us.

8.  (River) Brings life and Change – Channel of life and purity and have the ability to remove resistant force.

9.  (Wind) Brings power – it Brings change and divine energy and have the ability to bring destruction.

10.  (Gift)- Freely Given and freely received

11.  (Seal) Perfect and flawless, powerful owner, the guarantee of destination.

12.  (Earnest) Engagement ring – Guarantee of things to come.

13.  (Glory) Heavy –heavy presence with everything good.

14.  (Wine) Filled – Takes Control in our lives and brings joy. Process of repentance and renewal.

15.  (Light) –Fuel and the Fire –To give light in people who live in darkness.

Prayer for my Lifegroup:
1.   Prayer for renewal and touch of the Holy Spirit in every aspect of their lives.
2.   Pray that our hearts will to cooperate with the Holy Spirt that our lives will be used fully in the purposes of God.

Sermon themes:
1.   Living In the Power of The Holy Spirit.
2.   The Holy Spirit and the Church.

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Anthony John Ibanez

Time and Date: September 11, 2020 12:30pm 

1.  Oil – Psalm 92:10
Probable the most well-known symbol of the Holy Spirit
Anointed to put oil on your hands then turn your hands downward then become to apply the oil into someone else
It means that the hand of God came into the service and press His presence on the service 
Early example is in Exodus 30
The presence of the Holy Spirit set us apart so that we can be used by God and for God and never be used by worldly purposes
The Holy Spirit brings freedom
When the Holy Spirit comes it brings gladness
And so, when we are talking the Holy Spirit as OIL it means He is consecration, separation, impartation, brings joy and healing 

2.  Dew – Psalm 133:2-3
Dew represents the fresh presence of God
It is when we felt the presence of the Lord as a dew where we can experience His miracles

3.  Rain – Joel 2:23
Rain represents the seasonal visitation of God
It comes in a specific moment to produce a specific harvest

4.  Water – Isaiah 44:3 
If we do not have the water of the Spirit operating in our lives then we don’t have life
This symbol is often positive and sometimes it connotes negative result, for example water can also bring judgement
What the Holy Spirit is to you depends on how you respond to the Holy Spirit

5.  Fire – Luke 3:15
In Scripture fire is the representative of the purification of God
Malachi 3:3
He came to set our heart ablaze
The fire also has the power to destroy
1 Corinthians 3:13
The Holy Spirit is purging in our lives that inappropriate and must not be in our lives so that the Lord can build something new in our lives that honoring God 

6.  Dove – Matthew 3:16
This is telling us the gentleness of the Holy Spirit

7.  Yoke – Matthew 11:29
He becomes like a yoke and partner with us 

8.  River – John 7:37-39
It pictures the Holy Spirit flowing through the lives of His people to bring life and change
Rather than resist the river we are to jump into the river

9.  Wind – John 3:8
You can’t see it but you can feel its effect
When we think of wind, we think of change
It brings energy
And when the Holy Spirit moves, He brings divine energy 

10.  Gift – Acts 2:38-39
Something that is freely given and something that is freely received
This is for everyone who believes
1 Corinthians 1:22

11.  Seal – reoccurring in the New Testament over and over again 
The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we can make it to our ultimate destination

12.  Earnest – down payment of things to come 
The Holy Spirit is the engagement ring to prove that the wedding will certainly take place

13.  Glory – 1 Corinthians 3:18
When the temple is filled by the Glory of the Lord the priest cannot physically stand 
The special presence of God filled with goodness, with healing, with power 

14.  Wine – Ephesians 5:17
The Holy Spirit is the One who takes control
Representative of Joy
God never intended for us to carry old wineskin
His intention for us is to be a new wineskin ready to receive and ready to give
The willingness to undergo the process of discipline and condition is your way to experience the new wineskin
For us to be filled with the Holy Spirit we have to go through the process of repentance and renewal and sometimes it takes hyssop in order for us to experience such 

15.  Light - Revelations 1:12
When Jesus thinks of the Church He is not thinking of copper or made of clay, He is thinking of gold.
The wick is like the message of the Gospel
The Holy Spirit is both the fuel and fire
The light is produce through the mouth of the lamp
When the holy Spirit is operating in our lives, He is producing light when we proclaim the Gospel through our mouth 

Two prayer points to be prayed for together with my Lifegroup
1. Pray and declare for the hunger to fully experience the power of the Holy Spirit as we earnestly desire to God’s vessel of hope, change and revival.
2. Pray and declare that our Spiritual leaders ( pastors and Tribegroup and Lifegrp Leaders) to operate in God’s Wisdom as they inspire, train, equip, and motivate the people under their care to live a Spirit filled life.

Two sermon themes from the VIDEO
1. Heaven Touches Earth – How to Experience the Manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit during Worship Experience.
2. A Spirit filled Life – ways how to be empowered and walk in the Spirit daily

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Kervin Gaw

Time and Date: 9/11/2020 12:30 PM

BY Rick Renner 

15 Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible 

Oil  (Psalm 92:1)
Anointing  to put oil in your hands and to start to give it to someone else
God’s hand is at work
consecrated us and set apart
Not of this world once the Holy Spirit is upon you impartation 
representative of the healing power 

Dew (Psalm 133:2-3) 
Fresh Presence of God 
The Lord bestows his blessings 

Rain (Joel 2:28-29) 
Seasonal visitation of God
Nourish us so we can produce a harvest
rest from rain 

Water (Isaiah 44:3) 
Represents Life 
Destruction or Judgement 

Fire (Luke 3:16) 
Purifying of God 

Gentleness of the Holy Spirit 
Brings the peace of God 

Yoke (matt 11:29-30) 
Assistance and the partnership of the Holy Spirit 

River (John 7:37-39) 
Flowing to the hearts of his people to bring life and change 
holds everything that is old or things that need to be replaced 
remove them out of the way 

Wind (John 3:8) 
Change and Divine Energy 
Great Destruction

Gift (Acts 2:38-39) 
No defects 
In shape 

downpayment of things to come 
engagement ring that the wedding is really gonna make it 

Glory (2 Cor. 3:18) 
heavy with everything good 
intense worship 

Wine (Eph. 5:18) 
Takes Control 
Discipline and Reconditioning 

The church is golden 
the wick is the message of the gospel 
the fuel and the fire 

Prayer Items: 
Pray that the Holy Spirit will touch every family during this times . 
Pray that leaders of the church will be guided by the Holy Spirit in every decision that they will do. 

The Function of the Holy Spirit in every believers. 

How to Motivate Your Teenager to Do School Work | Net Nanny

baughart sison
Fri, Sep 11, 11:00 AM 

Name: Baughart Sison
Time and Date: 9/11/2020 930am

Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible
By Rick Renner

▪︎15 Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible

1. OIL
Psalms 92:1
- anointing ( to put oil on your hand and start to press it to someone)
- hand of GOD presses
- it consecrate you, set apart
- if you are anointed already do not behave likecthe world

2. DEW (fresh presence of GOD)
Psalms 133:2-3
-  it will condence you

3. RAIN (seasonal visitation of GOD)
Joel 2:23-29
- rain is essential
- need to understand every season

Isa. 44:3
- everything depends on water
- water satisfies you but water also brings judgement like in the days of Noah

Luke 3:16
- purifies
- set our hearts ablaze
- fire cleanses you but also destroys you
- allow the Spirit to purge you

Matt. 3:16
- gentleness of the Holy Spirit
Matt. 11:29-30
- yoke together with the Holy Spirit
- partnership

John 7:37-39
-flow to the heart of His people that brings life and change
- removes any resistant force

 John 3:8
- you cannot see but feels it
- brings power, change and energy but also bring great distruction
*dual effect of the HOLY SPIRIT

10. GIFT
Acts 2:38-39
- given freely, accepts freely

11. SEAL 
2 Cor. 1:22, Eph. 1:13-17
-Completes you
-Empowers you
-Guarantees you

2 Cor. 1:22
- downpayment of things to come

2 Cor. 3:18
- something that is heavy
- heavy of everything good

14. WINE
- one who takes control
- fullness of joy
- how long have you been filled with the HOLY SPIRIT?
- it takes hyssop to be filled withecthe Holy Spirit

Rev. 1:12
- fuel and fire

▪︎give Great Respect to the HOLY SPIRIT

WHAT 2 PRAYER ITEMS will you PRAY with your LG PEOPLE 
1. Pray for a personal encounter with the HOLY SPIRIT
2. Pray that all our lives be dependent on the HOLY SPIRIT

1. How to live with the Holy Spirit
2. How to Activate the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Hallelujah πŸ™Œ


---- baughart sison wrote ----

1. Charismatic Tradition
2. Contemplative Tradition
3. Commission Tradition
4. Calvanistic Tradition

Friday, September 4, 2020


IDMC 2020 Online

IDMC Conferences Singapore
Response at ANNEX

Pastor Darryl Roque
Ikthus East Associate

Your Best Session and Why?
Session 4 was so striking to me. I really have to master the different seasons of life. 
Though discipleship is always grounded on the word, we cannot make it one size fits all. 
Everyone must grow in discernment and wisdom (of course through the teaching of God's word).

Your NUMBER ONE Take Away?
We have to master the seasons of life! 
Don't waste my time. Give myself into a whole life discipleship.

How can we LET OTHERS be part of it in the FUTURE?
I am very willing to be part again of this spiritually re-invigorating, engaging, refreshing discipleship as the Lord permits. And I am willing to volunteer in promoting this IDMC to my Christian friends or network.

Intern Pastor
Daniel Bagayo
HLM Missionary

Your Best Session and Why?
Plenary 3 Specifically the Danger of double mindedness as Rev. Edmund Chan expounded on  
2 Kings 17:33 about how the people feared the LORD but ALSO SERVED THEIR OWN GODS. 
How being half-hearted kills discipleship. 

Your NUMBER ONE Take Away?
2 actually. We grow not by chance but by change and there is restedness when our work is done with the purposes of God in mind and in heart.

How can we LET OTHERS be part of it in the FUTURE? Disciple one more and then one more. No shortcuts.

Intern Pastor
Anthony Ibanez
DAY 1 of IDMC 2020

Your Best Session and Why?
The best session for me is the topic on Discipleship through the season of life. 
This session has reminded that through the season, God remains faithful. 
Through the seasons, He has given us promises and assurance and thus, we need to understand and need to learn how to glorify God in every season of life. This has also given me the understanding that in every season of life, I have to demonstrate Christikeness.

Your NUMBER ONE Take Away?
For a discipleship is to be daily then make use of today everyday Discipleship is not developed in the sphere of a moment. It is developed daily.

How can we LET OTHERS be part of it in the FUTURE?
We can let other be part of it in the future via intentional promotion and invitation. 
It means we are to invite intentionally our contacts. Intentional promotion can be done by sharing to our contacts the things we've learned to our contacts and this, I believe, can excite them to be part of IDMC in the future

Divinity Student
Kervin Gaw
HLM 715am

Your Best Session and Why?
The Best Session for me is discipleship in every aspect of our lives, It was a reminder for me that in every aspect whether in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual it will always need to be submitted to the lordship of Jesus. There should be no other form of “gods” that you serve. Don’t be DOUBLE MINDED but be DEVOTED. 

Your NUMBER ONE Take Away?
Its not enough to be COMMITTED, but we should always be CRUCIFIED! (kailangan may IPAKO para may BUHAY) 

How can we LET OTHERS be part of it in the FUTURE?
We can let others be part of it thru TAKE AWAYS from the attendees and promotions of the said conference so others as well may received and be empowered

Intern Pastor
Baughart Sison

Your Best Session and Why?
Session 3: Discipleship in every Aspect of our lives
I have learned the 3 kinds of persons mindset,, The Wordly Mindset, The On Fire for GOD Mindset and The Double Minded,,.it says that "why revival tarry? Because there is a lot of double minded christians." Also there is no grace w/out repentance.

Your NUMBER ONE Take Away?
The Theology of Rest:
Not a full stop but a full soul (rest)
Rest is being rooted in God
Rest is not the Pause Button but the Purpose Button

How can we LET OTHERS be part of it in the FUTURE?
▪︎Encourage them that Leadership never stop in learning and knowing GOD.

Junior Pastor
Raymond Jamora


Session 5 lang amon na lantawan nga full gid.
Doing nothing is not necessary resting.  
(for me, we can still do greating for God while staying at home.
I do the best i can do to share this video to other if it is available for 14 days.

Christian Mangubat 

Your Best Session and Why?
The best session for me is session 3 Discipleship in every aspect of our lives. 
Worldliness can easily be determined.
So thus being on fire in the Lord, but being double minded is so hard to be discovered. That is why we have to go back to the basics foundational truth of Discipleship that starts from the heart and dying to self daily picking up the cross of Jesus.From committed to crucified Disciples. " Revival tarries because of doubts and fear."

Your NUMBER ONE Take Away?
The older we get the more precious our life is.
Being a disciple takes a lot of learning and unlearning things in the process and the we need to rescript some of old ways and start to receive strength and allow us to be reinvented for His glory.

How can we LET OTHERS be part of it in the FUTURE?
If they see the result what we have learned now that could be one of the best invitation ever . Under normal circumstance this conference is a must have for all who follow Jesus.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Welcome to 1hDTAL weekly
The "One Hour DIVINITY Take Away Lessons"


For our DISTANT LEARNING CLASSES, the following YOU MUST VIEW and LISTEN and RESPOND to via "TAKE AWAYS" and "PROJECTS" as requested.

DO this in unity with your CAMARADA Group!
His Life Divinity School  is committed to MAKE YOU BETTER and BETTER πŸ¦…




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Make sure to:
✔️ Write Your Name
✔️ Time Read and Day
✔️ 5 or more TAKE AWAYS
✔️ Post BELOW (must have an email) (or POST down below the THREAD)
✔️ Be a TEAM Encourager:  Remind your Camarada GROUP members to DO THIS TASK as well.
✔️You MAY RECRUIT more people to YOUR CAMARADA TEAM of 3... You can RECRUIT 2 more, to MAKE IT A GROUP of 5!

WRITE 3 ITEMS of PRAYER that we must PRAY.



ALL WHO will be in the NEW 3rd Q ADMIN THREAD will be required 
to READ and to VIEW the following below.... 


click here:  HIS LIFE 5 Ws ++

click here:  THE 6th W


This is LESS THAN ONE HOUR of combined Reading and Viewing.

Let's have the BEST for JESUS in this NEW THREAD. HALLELUYAH πŸ™‚


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