"Point the Way"
with Laure Beth Jones
Our LEADERSHIP VIDEO Class will be the following below:
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by Baughart Sison, HIS LIFE EAST
Viewed: 8:10am on JUNE 6 2020
Take Away: Laure Beth Jones (Leadership: Point the Way)
1. Defend your team even they are messing up
2. The essence of Leadership is not figuring out who's done wrong but taking Responsibility
3. Learn to love your people
Look for people who do it for FREE and WILLING to DIE together with you. You have to go first! (JESUS did)
4. Winning through fear and intimidation
5. Three skill sets of JESUS
● Self mastery/discipline
● Action
● Relationship skills
6. Leadership is helping people harness their gifts in a RIGHT way.
7. Two kinds of Leaders
● Motivated by Love
● Motivated by Hate
8. Sometimes you have to leave good things behind in order to get GOD things.
9. Time is a True currency, Time is a True wealth
10. Clear you MISSION and your WORK in life.
11. If a leader don't know the Elements of their people they might be drown. Help people that struggles in their element.
12. Leaders is not working with Principles but with Personalities. Live with the personalities of your people.
Resolution: Leaders take the risk. They do not wait for others to do it for them.

by Christian Mangubat, HIS LIFE EAST & WEST
Time of viewing: 10am of JUNE 6 2020
Take Aways from: Laure Beth Jones (Leadership: Point the Way)
1. Defending the team even if they are messing.
2. Not just lead them , loved them.
3. The importance of self discipline.
4. Leaders know how to take actions.
5. Relationship skills.
6. Business is neutral. One of the pillar of society.
7. Identity matters. understanding Personalities. (Fire,water,wind, Earth)
8. Leadership is not working with principles but working with personalities.Culture vs. strategy.
9.Be willing to take Risk.
10.Get ready to Release your gifts.
11.See the your teams potential.
Resolution: Learning to understand personalities so you can establish a dynamic team in there full potential.Be willing to risk, get ready to release.

by Anthony John Ibanez, HIS LIFE NORTH
Viewed: 11am of JUNE 6 2020
Take Aways from: Laure Beth Jones (Leadership: Point the Way)
1. A leader has to defend his team even if they are messing up.
2. Just like Jesus, a leader must cultivate self- mastery or discipline.
3. A leader must understand that leadership is helping people harness their gifts in a right way
4. Leaders take action. Leaders must have a sense of “I was born for such a time as this” when they walk into a certain situation.
5. Leaders must develop relational skills.
6. In order for you to get God things, you have to leave things behind.
7. Spiritneurship
* I am doing work that honors the Lord
* I am doing work that honors my gifts and skills
* I am making a living doing both at the same time
8. Business is neutral and businessmen and women are hungry for tools.
9. Leadership is not working with principles but rather working with personalities
10. The four Elements/ Personalities
* Earth - solid, predictable, dependable. They are the reliable one
* Water- goes with the flow, takes the form of less resistance. They are the empathetic who take on the sorrow of the world
* Fire - focused, intensed, passionate. They wake up each day looking for someone to confront, purify and refine
* Wind - unpredictable, invisible messenger. It brings you the scent of danger and the scent of sorrow. The wind needs to ssee something is in motion.
11. As a leader then you have to excite your team member like a fire, ground them like earth, tranform them like a water and release them like a wind.
12. Transfiguration moment is when you are doing what you are called to do and you know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
13. God’s desire and dream for us based on the four elements
* Fire - He wants us to rise and risk and roar
*Water - He wants us to be renew to reflect and restore
* Earth - He wants to remain, return and regenerate
* Wind - He wants us to revive, rejoice and release
14. Release what the Lord has given you
15. We are in a restoration business
As a leader, I have to understand and appreciate the personalities of those I am working with them. This can be done as I intentionally build relationship with them. This will also enable me not only to understand them well but at the same time to identify and eventaully unleash their potential. As a servant of the Lord and as a minister of the Gospel, I have to influence and disciple businessmen and women within my sphere of influence in order for them to honor the Lord in the marketplace.

by Edremel Maribo, HIS LIFE SOUTH
Viewed: 11:10am of JUNE 6 2020
Take Aways from: Laure Beth Jones (Leadership: Point the Way)
1. Defend your team even if they are messing up
2. He never just led them but He loved them. (Jesus Leadership)
3. Leader must understand that leadership is helping people harness their gift in a Right way.
4.Yes you can. Look for people who do it for Free and willing to DIE with you. But you have to go first!
5. Winning through fear and intimidation
6. Three skill sets of JESUS- Self mastery/ Self discipline, Action, Relationship skills
7. Leader is Motivated by Love or Motivated by Fear /Hate
8. Sometimes you have to leave good things behind in order to get GOD things.
9. Time is a True currency, a True wealth
10. Business is neutral,not evil...
11. 7 pillars of society - Business, Government ,Education, Health care, Faith and Services ,Mass media and this Franchise. You can serve God in any of them.
12. Identifying their personalities,leader is working with personalities not in Principles.
13. Understand the four elements ( Personalities) - Fire,water,earth and wind.
14. Spiritrenuer - is you van answer yes in this 3 questions.
- I am doing work that honors God
- I am doing work that honors me ,my gifts and talents
- I am working a living by doing both of of those at the same time
Resolution: I value people because they are created by God, value people as a leader thats the first step. Not just leading people but to love people, just like Jesus did.

by Kervin Gaw, HIS LIFE Divinity Student
Time Viewed: 12:30pm of JUNE 6 2020
Take Aways from: Laure Beth Jones (Leadership: Point the Way)
1. Leadership is taking the BUS HIT for them (PROTECTION)
2. Leadership is about SELF-DISCIPLINE
3. Leadership is helping people harness their gift the right way
4. Leaders take action
5. Leadership should have relationship skill
6. Lead by Love
7. Spirtneurship
- I am doing work that honors God
- I am doing work that honors my gifts and skills
- I am making a living doing both at the same time
8. People need to have a self-image
9. Leadership need the right tools
10. Leadership is not working with principles but with personality
11. Culture trumps strategy
12. Elements of Success
- Earth (reliable )
- Water (go with the flow)
- Fire (focus, intense, 110% committed)
- Wind (unpredictable, invisible, messenger)
13. Leadership can come in profile
14. Realistic of the cost of following
15. Every organisation transforms a team whether it will transform them or deform them
16. 4 phases you would go through as a leader
- Launch (the high or hype)
- Lerch
- Wilderness
- Release
In Leadership, we are going to deal with a lot of personalities it is how we give their lives to them that really matters. We should always believe in the people under us RELEASE THEM don’t LIMIT THEM. Put them in the right element. Transform not deform them.

OUR BASIC Camarada TEAM of 3 (to be expanded soon)
YOU may add 1 or 2 more people now
this MONTH of JUNE 2020.
REGISTERED CCG_3 Comrades Camarada Group of 3
Kevin Arjay Gever
Daniel Bagayo
Il Jireh
Kervin Winjean Go Gaw
Greg Magracia
Gary Luigi Sellado
Anthony John Ibanez
Christian Mangubat
Rolyn Gumban
Nino Gumban
Crizs DaRio Gaco
Edremel Luberas Maribo
Baughart Española Sison
Vincent Serdenia
Clooney J. Belicena - Cubing
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